Matei Tichindelean

B.A. Classical Civilizations and German Studies, University of Arizona
M.A. Egyptology, University of Liverpool
M.A. Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Indiana University, Bloomington
Areas of Interest
Interactions between nomadic and settled population groups in Egypt and Sudan in the Bronze Age, with metal mining and working in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and the Sudan
Matei Tichindelean is a PhD candidate in the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at University of California, Los Angeles. His research focuses on the interactions between nomadic peoples of northeast Africa and the settled populations along the Nile Valley. His dissertation combines metallurgical analysis of Egyptian and Nubian cuprous objects in museum collections with archaeology to understand the lifeways and roles that nomads played in supra-regional economies. His field work experience includes participation in archaeological projects in Egypt, Oman, Romania, Italy, the American Southwest, and the Sudan, as well as metal analysis of museum objects around the world, including the Manchester Museum, Museo Egizio in Turin, Italy and the Brooklyn Museum in New York.
Selected Publications
Lemos, R., Tichindelean, M., Kochergina, Y.V.E. et al. Bronze age supply chains between ancient Egypt and Nubia revealed by lead isotope analysis of kohl samples. Sci Rep 14, 27488 (2024).
Tichindelean, Matei. 2019. “Digital Reconstruction of the Akhenaten Torso in the Brooklyn Museum”. Studies in Digital Heritage 3 (1), 16-39.