Gabriel Silva Collins

B.A. in Anthropology, Williams College
Areas of Interest
Pre-Hispanic Andean archaeology, Inca archaeology, environmental archaeology, borderlands and interregional exchange, wak'as, landscape archaeology
Gabriel Silva Collins earned his B.A. in Anthropology from Williams College in 2019. At Williams, he worked with Antonia Foias to study Aztec religious statues, and completed a thesis project that surveyed the interconnected system of Inca roads between Cusco and Huchuy Qosqo, Peru. Gabriel also worked on Peru's central Coast, excavating the Ichma site of Panquilma with Enrique Lopez Hurtado. His work at UCLA's Cotsen Institute of archaeology continues a focus on the Pre-Hispanic Andes, and examines interregional exchange along the borders of the Inca Empire. Gabriel is especially interested in the relationship between political and environmental borders at the domestic and non-elite scale.
Field Experience
Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Panquilma, Panquilma, Peru
Huchuy Qosqo Road System, Cusco, Peru
Selected Publications
2020 - "Maize Goddesses and Aztec Gender Dynamics." Material Culture Review 88: 1-19
In Press - "The Elephant in the Garden: Bunong Chamkars and Human-Elephant Conflict in Andoung Kraloeng, Cambodia." Gajah: Journal of the Asian Elephant Specialist Group 55.
Williams College Florence Chandler Memorial Fellowship
Williams College Orton Prize for Excellence in Anthropology
Stella Nair
Jason de León